5. Discovering that denim is tasty...

On Friday I was leaning against the counter at a little book shop. All of a sudden the female shopkeeper started rubbing my forearm. Then she pointed to a freckle on my arm and asked "what is this?" It was a good reminder of how the smallest of differences can be so intriguing.
3. Lake Victoria sunset at Thursday night yoga...

2. English lessons with the Yogurt Mamas...
On Wednesday afternoon Sabrina and I visisted the yogurt kitchen to do an English lesson with the Yogurt Mamas. We had just gone through a list of basic verbs, so I was asking the Mamas to construct basic sentences. I was hoping for something along the lines of "Jessica cooks rice." Instead, Mama Elizabeth comes up with "Tomorrow I will go to town to buy kenga [fabric] to sew a blouse." Wow!
1. Water fight...
On Thursday evening we invited our housekeeper Pendo to have dinner with us. We insisted that she was the guest and was not allowed to do dishes (with minimal success). Lesson learned: don't try to stop Pendo from doing dishes; she will start a water fight and you will lose. 

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